Katz, Aaron

Katz, Aaron

Son of Hannah and Joseph, third generation of farmers in the Jordan Valley; His father’s father was murdered while working in a field in Beitania. He was born on Monday 7 October 1962 in Menahemia, finished elementary school in the village, studied mechanics and mechanics, worked in these fields and in agriculture, was active in the youth of the village, was generous and willing to help others. In the early days of the War of Independence, following the UN General Assembly resolution of 29 November 1947 on the partition of the country into two states, he enlisted in the Carmeli Brigade and completed a course for squadrons, despite the fact that he felt He refused to inform the doctor that he would not disqualify him from service, and he rejected his superior’s advice to consult the doctor and only asked for a slightly easier position until he changed his power. But when he was declared volunteering for a certain operation, he would leave the warehouse and go out to work, and always encourage his friends in Yihye Tov and the vision of the state that would strengthen and flourish Aharon participated in battles in the Western Galilee and in Haifa And his surroundings. Three months before his death, Aharon became ill and was hospitalized at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, and from his sickbed he encouraged visitors to his home, and died two days after a serious operation on his head, on September 5, 1948. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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