Katsavy, Zevulun

Katsavy, Zevulun

Zevulun, son of Miriam and Yehuda, was born on the 22nd of Adar I 5702 (22.2.1946) in Tel Aviv. He completed his elementary studies at the Tel-Nordoi School in Tel Aviv. After that he studied for a year at the “Max Payne” vocational school in Tel Aviv. Zevik, as his family and friends called him, joined the Maccabi youth movement when he was about ten years old, and spent about two years there. At the age of thirteen, he joined the “Sea Scouts” Association and thus combined sport activities with social activities. From an early age, he loved music very much. When he was five, he began to play the accordion and when he was seventeen he played electric guitar and performed with Katsav. Zevik was also a successful singer thanks to his special voice, which was full of emotion and power. He spent long hours listening and learning music, mostly by practicing himself. After graduating from high school, he joined his father and worked as a motorcycle mechanic. His dedication to work did not prevent him from continuing to devote most of his free time to music, but he also studied in the evenings. Thanks to his playing he was kind and accepted in every joy, in the family circle or among friends. He was always at the center of society, singing and playing. Zevik was modest and shy, but at the same time mischievous and joyful. Mostly liked to spend time with friends and his love of his people helped him to connect with many different people. He was sturdy and handsome, with a relaxed face, which showed his peace of mind. His good eyes and constant smile acquired the hearts of his readers, and it was hard to resist them. Zevulun was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early February 1964 and assigned to the Artillery Corps, after which he was trained as a Field Gunner, and was later appointed a motorized runner. Zevik loved the army and was proud of his service in the Artillery Corps. As usual in civilian life, he devoted himself to his duties and fulfilled the tasks assigned to him out of a sense of responsibility and strict adherence to the smallest details. His commanders always praised him and saw him as a dedicated and disciplined soldier. Even during his army service, he did not neglect the guitar. He always carried her with him and found time to play and make time for his friends in the unit. After his release from regular service he was placed in a reserve unit and was called for periods of active reserve duty. After liberation he continued to work with his father in the garage, and at the same time did to expand his musical education. During his free time he began to study the organ and the piano, and spent much of his time practicing and playing for his pleasure and his friends’ enjoyment. Over time he formed a dance company and joined his brother, who followed in his love of music. The band was very important to him, as he saw it as an opportunity for advancement in the field of music, so he devoted a lot of time to it, but he realized that it was nothing but a hobby, and he did not neglect his work with his father. During the Yom Kippur War, Zevulun participated in battles against the Syrians on the Golan Heights. On October 19, 1973, near the village of A-Taiha, his battery was hit by Syrian artillery shelling, and he was killed. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl. Survived by his parents, brother and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to corporal. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Your son Zevulun z” l had a dear friend, who was always at the center of society, and his musical talents knew how to relieve us of difficult hours. He sang and played, and was always cheerful and Simcha, and made us very Simcha. We loved him because he knew how to find a place to sing and sing during difficult times, as rest periods. “His parents published a pamphlet in his memory, which included letters of condolences received by the family and family members.

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