Katalan, Shlomo

Katalan, Shlomo

Son of Nissim and Sultana (Susan). He was born on 10 January 1940 in the city of Direna, Turkey, where he immigrated to Israel in 1944. He completed his studies at the “Kol Israel Haverim” school and then went on to study at the school He was a member of the “Hanoar Haoved” youth movement and joined the choir of the workers, with a good temperament, always laughing and good spirits, was drafted into the IDF in November 1957 and served in the Israel Air Force , But all he wanted was to join the Nahal Brigade, even though he wanted to sign a permanent service in the Nahal Brigade, but on the 5th of Tammuz 5758 (23.6.1958) he fell in the line of duty and was put to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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