Kashi, Moshe

Kashi, Moshe

Their son was the firstborn of Binyamin and Rivka. He was born on the 10 th of July 1947 in the city of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. He graduated from elementary school in his hometown and studied there for two years in high school. In the afternoon he studied in a beit midrash and learned the taste of Torah. When he grew up, he decided to immigrate to Israel. It was not easy to obtain a permit to immigrate, and only after much effort did he receive the desired permit and immigrated to Israel in 1966, together with his three younger brothers. Moshe arranged to arrange for two of his younger brothers in various educational institutions and from the time they immigrated to Israel, Moshe and his younger brothers spared no effort to hasten the parents’ immigration. In 1966, the parents immigrated to Israel and Moshe took care of all their needs. In February 1968 he was drafted into the IDF and assigned to a combat engineering unit, and Moshe was proud of being one of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces and of being part of the Suez Canal fortifications after the Six-Day War. He was very quiet and modest because he felt that he was doing his duty, and his commanders and friends in the unit respected him and liked him very much, because he was a man who was friendly and willing to help others on the day of 1 Av 5729 (16.7.1969). He was hit in the head and on the way to the hospital died of his wounds. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The commander of his unit wrote in a letter of condolence to his parents, among other things, that their son was one of the best soldiers in the battalion. He was accepted by his commanders and loved by his friends. “I was always willing to help him as much as possible because he was a good soldier, disciplined and dedicated.”

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