Karp, Jeremiah

Karp, Jeremiah

Son of Miriam and Mark, was born on March 24, 1962 in the United States. He began his studies at an elementary school in his hometown, where he studied for four years. In 1972, at the age of ten, he immigrated to Israel with his parents. The family settled in Jerusalem. Jeremiah continued his studies at the Farbstein Elementary School and completed his studies at the Hebrew University High School. In the summer of 1980, about two months before he joined the IDF, he was orphaned by his father, and his only brother lived in the United States, and he remained alone with his widowed mother and asked to be placed next to his home so that he could take care of his mother. As a translator in the Intelligence Corps, Jeremiah served at the Allenby Bridge and excelled in his position, and in March 1981 he was awarded the rank of corporal. On 29 June 1981, he traveled from Jerusalem to Jericho, heading for the Allenby Bridge. Next to Ma’aleh Adumim, the vehicle that drove from the road veered off into the valley. Jeremiah was brought in critical condition to the hospital, where he died of his wounds. He was 19 when he died. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. He left behind a mother and brother. A Torah scroll was inserted in his name into a synagogue. The commander of his unit wrote about him in a letter of condolence to his family: “Jeremiah was a talented soldier, dedicated and disciplined, and he was perfectly prepared to carry out every mission. “We appreciated his seriousness, the thoroughness with which he performed his task and his many talents, and chose to live in Israel and his reserve fell.”

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