Karni, Eitan

Karni, Eitan

Son of Israel and Antonia. He was born on the 28th of Sivan 5716 (28.5.1956) in Jerusalem. He began his studies at the Geulim Elementary School. But before he could read the letters of the alphabet, he was already familiar with the musical notes, since he had been playing violin since he was five. When he grew up, he studied at the Conservatory of Music. Another talent he was blessed with was painting. From the seventh grade he studied at the Hebrew University High School, where he graduated from high school. His interests became more varied, his favorite occupation was photography and everything related to it – development, enlargement and montage. For this hobby he even set up a special lab in his home. He also looked up at the sky, and the dream of his life was joining the Air Force. This ambition led him to Gadna Air, where he also served as a guide, Eitan was drafted into the IDF at the end of July 1974. He completed a preparatory course at the Flight School. After that, he studied communications systems operators and completed successfully. On the scale he had already achieved the rank of sergeant. “Eitan joined the unit as a communications system operator shortly after his arrival, and he showed initiative and dedication in carrying out the tasks assigned to him, and we knew that he could be trusted and therefore sent to independent missions in the field. In 1976 he was sent to a parachuting course, successfully completed his paratroopers’ course and wore paratroop wings, which he and his friends saw as a source of pride and appreciation, and was admired by his friends and commanders and acquired many friends. In the department and in the unit. ” On the 30th of Kislev, 5737 (30.11.1976), Sergeant Eitan was killed while performing his duties in the south of the country and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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