Kaplon-Kogan, Gideon

Kaplon-Kogan, Gideon

Son of Klara and Russian-born Vladimir Kaplon-Kogan, who was one of the Hebrew University’s board of trustees. Gideon was born on December 21, 1919 in the city of Breslau, Germany. From an early age he was educated in Kaput, a farm with Jewish owners, in which a school (boarding school) was established. After the rise of Hitler to power, youth groups were organized to immigrate to Israel – and Gideon among them. As part of the Aliyat Hanoar, he immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1936. The group first stayed at Ayelet Hashahar. After two years of training he moved to Sha’ar Hanegev for a third year, and later to Ginossar. Finally he joined Kfar Szold when the kibbutz was on the ground. On behalf of the kibbutz, he was sent to a seminar of youth counselors in Beit Hakerem in Jerusalem, and he taught immigrant youth. In fact, he did not want to teach but to learn and was self-taught without buying knowledge in an orderly manner. He set up a scientific library on his own. He was particularly interested in history, philosophy, sociology, literature, and art – and the book did not depart from his hand. He took many trips and tours and took root in the land of the homeland out of full identification with the entire Yishuv. When the War of Independence broke out, when the agriculture was attacked for the first time, all the members of Kfar Szold joined and joined them and served as a machine gunner. Gideon participated in battles with gangs that attacked the village. He complained of pain, but only when he got off the landing did he find that he had typhoid fever. He was brought to the hospital, and later, on the 29th of Tammuz 5708 (29.7.1948), died of his illness and was brought to rest in his village. He left a wife, Hannah. His son was born five months after his death.

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