Kaplan, Moshe

Kaplan, Moshe

Son of Zvi Hacohen and Ruth. He was born on the 27th of Sivan 5708 (July 3, 1948) in Tel Aviv. After graduating from elementary school, he studied and graduated from the former high school. He was lively and lively, disciplined and honest in his behavior. Be prepared to help anyone. He was kind and he was well liked by all those who knew him. He was particularly interested in physics, mathematics, electronics. He loved music and played some instruments. He was close to sports. He prepared to continue his studies at the Hebrew Technion in Haifa. In August 1966 he was drafted into the IDF and he was in his regular service as an outstanding soldier. The Six-Day War broke out and Moshe fell in the line of duty at Ketziot, when his vehicle was hit by a mine, on the 8th of Sivan 5767 (June 16, 1967). He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. In the Municipal High School, the library, which serves as a library and a study room for students, has a cabinet named after him that contains books on Israel’s systems from the War of Independence to the present day, and each book bears the name “ex libris” bearing his name. In Nitzanim, the journal of Ironi Hey high school students, his name and memory were immortalized. In his memory, he published a booklet of poems for him and notes on him written by his parents, teachers and classmates.

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