Kam, Mordecai

Kam, Mordecai

Son of Malka and Noah, was born on August 10, 1930 in the town of Komarov, Poland, a town of a clearly Jewish and Zionist character. Until the outbreak of World War II, he attended primary school, and later on he traveled the Ukraine to Ural. During the war he studied in a Russian school and suffered from hunger and distress. Although he was educated in a Russian school and in a strange atmosphere, he chose the pioneering path and at the end of the war returned to Poland, left his parents, joined the Youth Aliyah and set out on the way to Eretz Israel. The group crossed Austria and Italy and sailed in May 1947 aboard the ship Hatikva, which was captured by the British and its passengers were exiled to Cyprus. In December 1947 he came to Israel and was educated in the “Youth Aliyah” organization in Tel Yitzhak. During the War of Independence he fought in the ranks of the Alexandroni Brigade. On the 4th of Tamuz, Wednesday, July 11, 1948, he was critically injured in an Iraqi bombardment on one of the outposts in the Tel Mond area of ​​the central front until he was taken out of the fire line and brought to a doctor in Tel Mond, who lost much blood and died before the age of 18. He was laid to rest at home – The cemetery on Kibbutz Tel Yitzhak.

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