Kalev, Yosef

Kalev, Yosef

Son of Sasson. Born in 1912 in Philipopel, Bulgaria, he studied in a Jewish school and studied at a Hebrew high school, but stopped studying in order to acquire a profession and prepare himself for life in Eretz Israel. In 1934 he immigrated to Eretz Israel, spent a year in Kibbutz Hashomer Hatzair in Hadera and then moved to Haifa, worked in citrus orchards, paved roads and carpentry and joined the Hagana organization. Yosef was a good friend and a loyal worker. On 13 Av, August 1, 1936, he was shot by an Arab in the Wadi Halisa neighborhood of Haifa (Tel Amal) and was seriously wounded in the hand and stomach, and was taken to the hospital on 22 Av, August 10, 1936, after nine days of suffering, he died. He was brought to eternal rest in the Haifa cemetery and left a wife whom he had married a week before he was wounded. The newspaper Davar published a list in his memory.

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