Kalasadi, Nissim (Nizam)

Kalasadi, Nissim (Nizam)

Son of Salim and Salha. He was born on June 26, 1949 in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. Immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1951. He studied at the Kiryat Matalon elementary school in Petah Tikva and completed his studies there. He was a symbol of loyalty to his parents and friends. He was not spared his energy, responded to every request and request addressed to him, and saw with it something obvious. He was a member of the Ha – Noar ha – Oved movement. Nissim was a nature and hiking enthusiast. Despite the fact that his older brother served in the army and despite his young age he had a feeling of identification with his homeland and he enlisted in regular service before the time came for him – in November 1966. At the end of the Six-Day War he volunteered to transfer from administrative positions to combat units. His plans and aspirations were many and he always dreamed of continuing his service in the permanent army. But this was not the case, since on December 14, 1967 he passed away; It was near the Suez Canal. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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