Kaitz, Robert

Kaitz, Robert

Son of Rachel and Shmuel. Robert was born in Canada on December 3, 1934. He immigrated to Israel at the age of twenty-one and lived in Afula, where Robert enlisted in the IDF and served in the Israel Air Force. In 1957 he married Pnina L’Isha and the couple had two children: Avital and Evyatar. Robert was an exemplary father and his relatives say that his house was in full partnership and that his relationship with his family was warm and precise. His family seemed to be at his side in every event. Robert was known as a girlfriend lover and his friends say he had close relations with each and every one of them. Robert was a thorough and industrious man who spent his free time working on his many hobbies: drawing, collecting weapons, gardening, archeology, animals and long walks in nature. Because of his various occupations, he was called “Eshkolot Man”. In 1968 Robert enlisted in the Border Police. Thanks to his military past he was immediately appointed a platoon sergeant and was assigned to an officers’ course He excelled as a commander and gave his subordinates a good atmosphere. On November 16, 1969, a terrorist squad infiltrated the grove between Tulkarm and Gadida, and a Border Police force under the command of Sgt. Shani Robert was taken to the scene and attacked the terrorists. In the ensuing battle, Robert managed to rescue one of his officers, but soon he himself fell in battle. Robert was thirty-five years old. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Afula. Survived by a wife, two children, two brothers and a sister. For his heroism and courage, Robert was awarded the “Police Medal of Honor” by the Chief of Police.

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