Kaftory, Yehoshua (Bobby)

Kaftory, Yehoshua (Bobby)

Son of-Shoshana and Michael (Gustav) was born on 19.12.1925 in Czechoslovakia and immigrated to Israel in 1935. Yehoshua attended the son of Shemen agricultural school, and after a training period in Geva he worked for several years as a youth counselor in Haifa And in 1945 he joined the Palmach in Geva and in 1947 moved to Gevat and from there went to settle in Halutza. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, Yehoshua was drafted and served in the Negev Brigade. The day before the start of the first truce, Kafturi, and his friends went to work in Bir-Asluj. After the occupation of the police building, they continued to advance, but the enemy activated a mine that was connected to the building adjacent to the police and on the bombing, on Wednesday, June 11, 1948. He was buried in Halutza and later transferred to Mevo’ei Sadeh (Bir Asluj) 26.8.1963 was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Haifa.

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