Kachdan, Kirill

Kachdan, Kirill

Kirill, son of Yelena and Michael Kachdan, was born in Teldi-Kurgan, Kazakhstan. On April 30, 2000, at the age of 20, Kirill enlisted in the IDF as a combat soldier in the 13th Battalion of the Golani Brigade, where he grew up and was educated in his father’s military service, loved the army and learned from his father what a good soldier he was. He was very fond of Golani and proudly sang the anthem of the Golani Brigade. On the 11th of Av 5766 (5.8.2006), a reserve unit was deployed for a combat operation in the village of ‘Aita a-Sha’ab, southwest of the town of Bint Jbeil in the western sector of southern Lebanon. In the village, fierce fighting took place between the IDF fighters and the Hizballah terrorists, and on the same day, the reserve forces raided several buildings and headquarters with the help of air, armor, and engineering forces in one of the houses. The team was assigned to the security of the house. Kiril was twenty-six years old when he fell, and was laid to rest in the Haifa military cemetery.

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