Kabalan, Said

Kabalan, Said

Ben Fatma and Hasin. Said was born in the Druze village of Beit Jann on 14 June 1934. He completed his studies at the elementary school in Beit Jann. Afterward he worked in a variety of jobs, mainly in agriculture. All of Said’s acquaintances described him as a smiling and socially acceptable person. On July 22, 1968, after the Six-Day War, Sa’id joined the Border Police. He served for twenty-one years. During his years in the Border Police, Sa’id faced many obstacles, took part in ambushes and operations that endangered his life, and all of them went unharmed. On March 7, 1989 Said crossed the railway tracks in the Bat Galim area of ​​Haifa. A train that came out suddenly hit him and he was killed on the spot. Sergeant First Sergeant Sa’id fell during his service. Was fifty-five years old when he fell. He was buried in the military cemetery in Beit Jann at a ceremony attended by many participants. Survived by a wife, two daughters and three sons.

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