Judah Shem-Tov

Judah Shem-Tov

Son of Tamar and Yitzhak, was born on 10.4.1930 in the Soviet Union. After much effort, the family managed to leave the Soviet Union, arrived in Israel on 28.2.1933 and settled in Herzliya. Yehuda graduated from elementary school and later worked as a mechanic in a garage in Herzliya. He moved to work in the Dan garage and was a candidate for membership in a cooperative. As a member of Hanoar Haoved, he went to Yagur training and joined the Palmach, where he participated in Palmach operations in Shfaram, Kfar Kana, Mishmar Haemek and recently in Zar’in, where he fell on 21.4.1948. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Afula. His memory was included in the booklet “In memory of fallen friends”, published by Kibbutz Hagovrim Deirdre.

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