Joseph, Elijah (“Eli”)

Joseph, Elijah (“Eli”)

Son of Gavriel and Batya. Born in August 1948 in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, Eliahu immigrated to Israel in 1950. Eliahu attended elementary school and later at Eshkolot High School, was an athlete by nature and was Simcha to help his classmates and others. In August 1966, while in his regular service, the Six-Day War broke out and he fell in the battle that took place at the Rafiah junction on the first day of the battles on June 5, 1967, when he was a member of a tank crew in armored corps. The military cemetery for emergencies in Bari, and was later transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem In the book “Armored Patrol”, published by comrades in arms.

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