Jeremiah, Albert

Jeremiah, Albert

Son of Avraham and Sima. He was born in Kolkata, India, in 1927. He studied at the Jewish community school where Hebrew and English were taught, and at the end of his studies he worked in a large Jewish factory in India. Two years later, he left Kibbutz Afek and settled in Moshav Ofer, where he continued to live a modest life with his family, and in 1956 he was drafted into the reserves and participated in the Sinai Campaign in which he served In 1960, when he moved to Mishmar Hayam, he worked in various places During the seven years he lived there, he was called up for reserve duty from time to time until the days of the Six Day War, when he was called back to the flag and fought valiantly and loyally until he fell on duty while performing his duties in the village of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights. On the 12th of Sivan 5727 (June 12, 1967). He left a wife and three children and the youngest was about three months old. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya. His history was presented in the booklet “In Memory of Kedoshim” to the people of Acre, published by the municipality. In the book “The trees that were cut off” for the residents of Kiryat Haim who fell in battle, his memory was raised.

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