Jasper, Yechiel Dovid (Chilik)

Jasper, Yechiel Dovid (Chilik)

Yechiel Dovid, son of Rivka and Nachum, Jasper was born on the 5th of Teves, January 5, 1930, in Moshav Merchavia. Both names were given to him to commemorate his grandfather Yechiel, a well-known Zionist in the Ukraine after his uncle David, who died on the way to Israel. Yechiel Dovid was a handsome, sturdy, happy and encouraging young man with great influence over his friends. With the outbreak of the war, Chilik was forced to finish his studies in haste. Yechiel David was sent to the Jordan front despite his right as a member of the kibbutz to enlist in the reserve corps. With the abandonment of the farms from Massada and Sha’ar Hagolan, the Arabs began robbing and driving the loot in cars. Chilik and his comrades pursued the robbers and even destroyed a truck full of stolen property. Many Arabs chased them and they were barely saved. Chilik was wounded in the arm and leg and managed to escape. He was sent to the hospital in Tiberias, but before he recovered completely, he was sent home for rest and recuperation. Chilik went to the Tsrifin camp to visit his wounded comrades and never returned home to finish his vacation, claiming that the wound did not justify his sitting at home when each fighter was of great importance. His friends testify that his presence with them gave them a spirit of security and faith. Chilik joined the “Yiftah” brigade, resuming his activities. At the end of the first truce, the brigade participated in the “Dani” operation. On July 17-18, 1948, towards the beginning of the second truce, the “Haemek” Battalion seized Shilat and controlled the eastern part of the Korikor ridge. In the morning it became clear that the Legion force was holding the western part of the ridge. The enemy attacked the force in the outpost from two directions with the aid of armored vehicles, and they were forced to withdraw. In the harsh retreat in an open area under crossfire, many of the fighters fell. In this battle Chilik fell on the night of the 11th of Tammuz 5708, July 18, 1948. When he was wounded, even though he had water, he refused to drink it, claiming that they should be given to the men wounded more severely. During the withdrawal he was led by two of his friends, but the enemy shell hit all three of them and knocked them over. On the 11th of Adar (28.2.1950) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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