Jacob, Michael (Mickey)

Jacob, Michael (Mickey)

Son of Hillel and Pnina. Born on October 10, 1948 in Giv’atayim, he studied at the Katznelson Elementary School and was a member of Hanoar Haoved in Givatayim after graduating from elementary school, and decided to see his future in productive work. Technikum “in Givatayim, where he completed his studies as an engineer, and excelled in his various activities as an outstanding dancer who took an active part in the Municipal Folk Dance Company and performed several times in European countries. Michael was drafted into the IDF in February 1967, volunteered to serve in the air force and diligently studied his studies, while giving up The social life he was used to. After receiving the flying wings (it was “the greatest day of my life”) he served in his unit as a pilot and reached the rank of lieutenant. He joined the career army in February 1969, and since his commanders recognized his talents and talents, he was transferred after a brief period to train pilots. In this work, he died in the performance of his duties on the 24th of Tevet 5770 (January 1, 1970) and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The commander of the flight school wrote in a letter of condolence to his parents: “His career in the air force, although cut short in the middle, was continuous with achievements. I assure you that you can be proud of your devoted son who fell in the line of duty. “

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