Izhbar (Ischbar), Israel (Leika)

Izhbar (Ischbar), Israel (Leika)

Son of Sarah and Moshe. He was born in 1915 in Berlatt, Romania, when he was only four years old and he was raised and raised by his older siblings, who continued their father’s wine business and immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1938. He joined the British army in the Second World War (On the way to Malta), and Israel with one hundred and thirty-nine of its members who perished on the ship.In the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem a ship-shaped monument was erected in memory of those who were missing And next to it is a water pool with the names of the fallen engraved on its bottom, and in an investigation conducted in 2017, it was found that he was murdered at BROOKWOOD MEMORIAL, The location of the Tomb of the Panel 16. The space is a macaroni – a space whose burial place is unknown.

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