Ivler, Shraga-Reuven

Ivler, Shraga-Reuven

Shraga, son of Miriam and Yehuda, was born on January 4, 1951 in Haifa. His parents, Holocaust survivors who came from Poland to Israel, settled in Kiryat Tivon, where they grew Shraga and his sister. As a child, Shraga was educated at the elementary school in Kiryat Amal. He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement. He played on the basketball team of the Kirya and dreamed of the day he would become a pilot. Shraga’s imagination became apparent, and despite the spying of the parents who assigned him to professional studies, he registered, passed the exams and was accepted to a boarding school near the Reali School in Haifa. “Shraga was a clown,” his friends say, “a copycat, a funny person, who wrote the sketches for parties, who introduced them and who turned the parties into real celebrations.” Thanks to this and thanks to his other virtues, Shraga was one of the most popular in the group. Shraga was drafted into the IDF in early August 1969, and hoped to fulfill his dream from childhood and become a pilot, but he did not find his place in the pilot’s course and asked for a transfer to the armored corps. After a year of training at the Armored Corps School, Shraga was transferred to a field unit in the Golan Heights, where he gained great respect and progressed rapidly on the scale of roles. , Volunteered for a four-year career, and on the day the Yom Kippur War broke out, Shraga was at home And Shraga hurried to return to his unit, where he fought As a tank commander. On Wednesday, October 11, 1973, when his unit broke into Syria, his tank was hit and Shraga fell after serving two years in the career army. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Tivon. Survived by father, mother, sister and fiancee. After his fall, he was promoted to captain. In a letter of condolence sent to the parents, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan wrote: “Shraga’s commanders defined him as an excellent officer, diligent, efficient, balanced, stable, stable in difficult situations, radiating a feeling and a comfortable atmosphere for his subordinates. To all who knows. “

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