Itzhaki, Yuval

Itzhaki, Yuval

Son of-Pnina and Amram was born in Holon on November 19, 1963. He attended the “Alumim” elementary school and the vocational high school “ORT” in carpentry, and in August 1981 he joined the IDF and was sent to a basic training course. On September 4, 1981, when he was on a Simcha Shabbat vacation by his commanders in basic training, he walked along the beach on Hayarkon Street in Tel Aviv. A civilian vehicle passing by hit him and he was brought in critical condition to the hospital. Two days later, on September 7, 1981. He died at the age of 18. Yuval was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon, leaving behind his parents, brother and sister.

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