Itach, Raphael

Itach, Raphael

Ben Rachel and Shlomo. He was born on February 13, 1960 in the city of Erfoud, Morocco. He is the seventh son of a large family. In 1963, when he was three years old, the family immigrated to Israel and established their home in Be’er Sheva.Rafael attended the “Ben Tzvi” elementary school in Beer Sheva and the “Amal” vocational high school, when he was fifteen years old, Rafael was a graduate of the Technion, was chosen to continue his studies at Bahad 20 and graduated with honors from the Cheetah Mechanics course. He was a very nice boy, friendly and loved and always optimistic. He was meticulous in appearance and dress, and was calm and intelligent, surrounded by loving family and many friends and friends. In mid-May 1978, Rafael was drafted into the army, and was sent to the Armament Corps, where he was sent to serve as a mechanic and armored vehicle mechanic at the Sde Teiman army base in southern Israel. According to his commanders, Rafael was a diligent man, who always gave him an atmosphere of work and activity. In 1981, Rafael joined the army. He was sent to a course of work management, as well as to a course for vehicle examiners and armored personnel carriers, and began to serve as a commanding officer of the Southern Command Region. He loved his work, which had a great responsibility and was proud of his role. According to his commander, Rafael was a man of a high personal level, showed motivation and demonstrated self-discipline. He understood the needs of his subordinates and took care of them warmly and lovingly. He greatly promoted his field of activity and always aspired to perfection in carrying out the tasks. In his opinion on resistors, Rafael received very high evaluations, which read: “Against professional, efficient and independent … … enterprising, devoted and disciplined … suitable to be a foreman …” Raphael was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and in 1987 Raphael married his girlfriend Orly, and they expanded their home, with the daughters Yifat and Hila, and Raphael was a devoted and loving family man. Time for his family and to be involved in raising the girls, and in 1992 Raphael suffered a severe illness and struggled for nearly four years until, on 23.3.1996, he was overwhelmed by the illness. Raphael was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva. Survived by Raya and two daughters, mother, three brothers – David, Edmund and Meir and five sisters – Esther, Susan, Annette, Miriam and Batsheva. He was thirty-six when he died. In his letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “From Rafi’s image, a noble, beloved figure with a strong desire to achieve the goals is reflected. The professionalism, diligence and dedication with which he worked were all a sign of honor and honor. “In a certificate of appreciation and respect given to the family from the IDF General Staff,” Raphael Raphael saw his service as a mission and carried it with devotion and love. True and devoted at all times, devoted himself to increasing the strength of the IDF, when the good of the state before his eyes. The family members commemorated his name and remembered it in a Torah scroll, which they donated to the Talpiot Synagogue in Be’er Sheva.

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