Israeli, Moshe

Israeli, Moshe

Moshe, son of Corina and Reuven (Henry), was born on December 10, 1933 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In 1948 he immigrated to Israel together with his family, at the age of fifteen. He studied at the Hebrew elementary school in his hometown and after immigrating to Israel, attended the ORT vocational high school in Jaffa. Mozzi, as his family and many friends affectionately called him, had a Yaffa and Simcha childhood in the bosom of his loving family. Among his family, he learned the love of Israel and the Land of Israel. From an early age he was a member of the Hashomer Hatzair movement in Bulgaria and during the Youth Aliyah he immigrated to Israel. He was educated at Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz, where he especially liked working in the fish ponds. After that, he spent about a year at Kibbutz Ein Hahoresh, then returned to his parents’ home and finished his studies at ORT Jaffa. He had a high intelligence and an agility. His friends were thrilled by the ease with which he had learned to handle any broken instrument. Soon it became known as “gold hands” and became its trademark. His friends knew that there was no instrument or machine, which Mutzi would not understand and did not know how to repair when they were damaged. Mozzi is also blessed with a sensitive ear and a Lev that understands. He liked to listen to classical music, with the score in his hand, watching closely the interpretation of the various operations. Being friendly and friendly to people, he infected many of his friends with this ‘disease’ and they sat together for hours, choosing records from his large collection and listening eagerly. A great blessing brought the love of music to Motzi; his wife Linke learned to love while listening to the music of the great composers. Mozzi revealed all the treasures hidden in the wonderful melodies and taught her, with infinite patience, to follow along with him the notes in the score. The music preoccupied him so much that he became an expert on the subject and during every period of reserve service, he was asked to lecture the guys about music and made a great deal of love for the sounds among his fellow soldiers. In addition to his talents, Mutzi was also blessed with great love for human beings and a great desire to help and to save them as best he could. His friends knew that “my people can always be trusted.” He was ready to leave everything – work or rest – to feel the help of a friend in trouble. His family often reproached him for thinking that they were maliciously exploiting his great kindness. His friends in the neighborhood and the school attest that Mutzi was a prominent figure. The whole group concentrated on him and every successful action was a direct result of his presence. He joined the IDF in early November 1953. After completing basic training, he completed a course for clerks and later took part in a unit officers’ course, and was assigned to an air force unit in reserve duty, where he spent many years recruiting reservists and integrating them into the war effort. “We will remember him not only as an excellent soldier, diligent, intelligent and efficient, but also as an outstanding person, pleasant and a true joy of life and friendship for those around him.” After the liberation , He began working at the Jaffa branch of Discount Bank, and he began like everyone else, as a clerk in a ‘pass-through’ window, but quickly climbed In the Yom Kippur War, Mozi took part in the war effort, and during the Yom Kippur War he took part in the war effort (18.10.1973), was killed in the course of his duty, and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind a wife and two sons, a parents and a sister.Promoted to sergeant.

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