Israeli, Dov

Israeli, Dov

Born in 1926 in the city of Iasi, Romania. Even in his childhood he wanted to immigrate to Israel and, contrary to his parents’ wishes, joined a pioneering training program as a member of the Dror youth movement. In 1946 he immigrated to Israel on the illegal immigrant ship “Max Nordoi” and joined Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh. After a short time he left the kibbutz, settled in Herzliya, and in his work as a simple laborer he supported himself and his young wife. Dov excelled in patience and love for others, and after a hard day of work in the field or in the building, he spent his leisure time in the evenings for the Haganah and public activity among the new immigrants. He was one of the founders of the United Workers’ Union’s “Ahdut Ha’avoda” immigrant center and filled all the public roles he had taken with great enthusiasm. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he immediately joined the fighting forces, and on the 3rd of Sivan 5708 (June 10, 1948) he fell in defense of Sejera shortly before the first truce took effect. He was survived by a pregnant wife, and after his death he had a son.

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