Israel, Bat-El

Israel, Bat-El

Daughter of Kochba and Mordechai. She was born on December 8, 1983, in Dimona, where she grew up and was educated, and as the years passed, it became clear that Bat-El was very clever. In mid-February 2002, Bat-El enlisted in the IDF and was placed in the air force. She was sent to an IAF technical school in Haifa, and completed a training course and a special training course at the “Shaldag” elite unit. The first soldier Bat-El met on her first day in the unit was Shlomi Levy of Ashkelon, and a special love story was created between them. Bat-El knew that she had met the love of her one and only life and was happy. She quickly integrated into the unit, learned the role and filled it with pride and devotion. At the base she acquired new friends and friends, and here too, as in her civilian life, she was prominent and dominant. Wherever laughter is heard, it is most likely that Bat-El is there. On 14 Elul, September 11, 2003, Bat-El’s unit left for vacation in Ashkelon. Ten kilometers south of Moshav Ein Yahav, on the Arava road, she died in an accident with a truck. The intensity of the tragedy was revealed that the truck driver was none other than Bat-el’s aunt. She was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Dimona, leaving two parents, Einat and Noy and brother Ahikam. On her gravestone, the family engraved the words “Your eternal smile will not be erased from our hearts.”

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