Israel, Abraham

Israel, Abraham

Son of Luna (Livneh) and Nissim Shalom. Born in 1907 in Benzli, Turkey. As a child, he studied at a Talmud Torah and later went on to study at the Alliance School. In his youth he helped his father work at a restaurant. In 1928 the family moved to the island of Rhodes, where he married and gave birth to two daughters and a son. In 1939, when the war reached Rhodes, the authorities ordered the foreign nationals to leave the island within a month. Avraham and his family boarded a ship carrying 854 immigrants from Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, and Spain. The ship sailed in the direction of Haifa port, but the British forces stopped. Thanks to the intervention of the Jewish Agency, the immigrants were allowed to remain in Israel and were transferred to a camp in Beit Lid. After a short period, Avraham and his family moved to Haifa and from there to Tel Aviv. In 1941, he enlisted in the British Army Expeditionary Force, and on the 11th of Shvat, 5702 (February 8, 1941), he died in a bombing attack near Tobruk while working on a ship. He was laid to rest in the Tobruk military cemetery. He left a wife, a son and two daughters, parents and brothers. Score the location of Kibro 1E14. Unit Pioneer Corps Rank Pioneer.

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