Isaac, Abraham (Avi)

Isaac, Abraham (Avi)

Avraham (Avi), son of Miriam and Joseph, was born on the 19th of Adar 1953, in Haifa. He spent the first eight years of his life in the Daughter of Galim neighborhood, where he attended the Aliyah school. When the family moved to Neve Sha’anan, Avi continued his studies at the Rambam Religious State School, where he received his high school education from the Technion High School in Haifa. At the end of high school, he also completed an electrical technician course. My father was a serious boy, whose outstanding qualities were responsibility, honesty, punctuality and devotion. While he was still in elementary school, Avi excelled in good grammar and in the high school in the seminary he achieved impressive achievements in the teaching track. In my thesis, Avi built a model of a four-story passenger elevator, a job that earned him a grade of 10. My father was an enthusiastic athlete and especially excelled in target practice. For four consecutive years he was active in the Haifa Shooting Club and achieved considerable achievements. In 1968 he won first place in the Northern Gadna region, in a shooting competition. Throughout the years he was a regular member of the club’s national team and participated in various competitions as a member of the club’s first team, which brought trophies and prizes to the club. He also participated as a member of the Gadna team in the IDF championship with a military rifle, and later, as a member of the “HaPoel” organization, practiced shooting with a pistol and a rifle. My father loved nature and often wandered among the crevices of the Carmel and its groves. In places where new construction was to begin, Avi had to take out the cyclamen and the old bulbs, to save the tulips and replant them in protected places. In my spare time, Avi liked to solve crossword puzzles and won books in many books on correct puzzles. My father loved to build planes – the most advanced fighter planes of the time – from thousands of small pieces of cardboard that had to be cut and then attached and taped, and all the dozens of planes he built were hung on his ceiling, and he also found time to expand his collection of stamps Avi was drafted into the IDF in early February 1972, and because of his professional knowledge he was placed in the Ordnance Corps. After basic training, he completed a tank electrician course and worked in this field until he went to the officers’ course. In his unit, Avi liked everything because of his seriousness and loyalty to his job. Even in his spare time, he invested all his energy and thought in improving and streamlining everything that was entrusted to him. Thanks to original ideas and improvisations in his field of work, veteran professionals came to him to ask his advice. His commanders soon discovered that Avi had officer credentials. But he deliberated a lot, considering that in his profession he could contribute more to the IDF than as an officer, and only after persuasion did he agree to go to an officer’s course, the Yom Kippur War broke out and Avi was transferred to the south, He was joined by a paratroopers force sent to the city of Suez, where he took part in the bloody battle that he did not return to, two months later, until his body was returned by the Egyptians as part of agreements between Israel and Egypt to return the bodies of the fallen. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. Survived by his parents and sister. After being killed, he was granted the rank of lieutenant colonel. In his letter of condolence to the family, his commander wrote: “My father was a quiet and modest guy, very devoted to his job and an excellent professional, and his personal qualities were very fond of his commanders and his colleagues. He will be able to contribute more to the IDF and we will be able to leave for a course … “My father went to the officers’ course and gave it all, literally, the principal of his school, citing Avi in a letter to the bereaved parents. Above his chronological age, stood outHis spiritual supremacy from all his classmates. His quiet and measured behavior enabled his teachers to assign him responsible positions in the framework of the educational activities that were carried out within the school, which he fulfilled with great care and wisdom. “At the elementary school where he studied, Avi’s name was commemorated in a memorial for the fallen, Who adopted the officers ‘school), commemorated Avi as part of the commemoration activities for fallen soldiers from the officers’ school.

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