Inbar, Yotam

Inbar, Yotam

Ben Shulamit and Buma (Abraham). He was born on 19.12.1975 in Tel Aviv. The eldest son of his parents and the older brother of Itamar and Talia. Yotam began his studies at the “Oranim” elementary school in Neve Monosson, continued high school in Yehud and graduated with the sociological track at the Tel Aviv High School. Yotam was very active in the Scouts movement until he joined the army. In addition, he was an avid dive enthusiast, went through courses in this field (two stars) and dived at every opportunity and wherever possible. Before the induction, Yotam made sure to improve his physical fitness, because he was determined to serve in a field unit. In August 1994, Yotam enlisted in the IDF, in the Golani Brigade. As part of the course in the Falichik, he completed a course in sniper training and completed the course with the company until he went to Lebanon, and was supposed to go to an officers’ course.Yotam’s commander wrote: “The aspiration to perfection was what motivated Yotam in all his ways in the company, , His commanders and soldiers, to follow him. Yotam believed that he had to do his job best, with determination and, of course, professionally. In our last conversation, it was decided that Yotam had gone to an officer’s course, and we, the commanders, believed that he would be able to command military frameworks like the one he had been trained and lead them wherever he needed. “Yotam’s good friend from the Palmach unit said:” In the last ten kilometers, I do not know where he had the strength for – for him and for me, and so, only thanks to him, I managed to finish this journey and the next day to stand next to him in the ceremony and get the brown cap with the whole crew. ” Yotam fell on the eve of Simchat Torah on October 15, 1995, in a battle in the Reihan area of ​​the security zone in southern Lebanon. The armored personnel carrier in which he was traveling took a roadside bomb with five other soldiers from Golani’s auxiliary company, Captain Yossi Ohana, Staff Sergeant Guy Shalem Hadad, Staff Sergeant Eyal Sameh, Staff Sergeant Eyal Dror and Sergeant Yair Barak. At the age of twenty, Yotam fell. After his fall he was promoted to sergeant. He was buried in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery. Survived by his parents and two brothers – Itamar and Talia. Yotam left a painful family, loving and longing, and good friends, including his best friend Itai Shahal, who fell about three months after Yotam and Netman at his side, in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery.

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