Inbar, Nadim

Inbar, Nadim

The youngest son of Nida and Muhammad. Was born on January 2, 1963 in the Druze village of Ramah in the Galilee to a Druze family with many children, many of whom serve in the security forces. Nadim attended elementary school in the village, and when he grew up, he began to do odd jobs in agriculture and construction in his village and Beit Jann. Nadim was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1980, and after basic training, he was placed in the minority unit, and Nadim was a model soldier who carried out all the tasks he was entrusted with. On November 11, 1982, as a result of the explosion of a gas canister in the military government building in Tire, the building collapsed and buried many of the soldiers who were there at the time, including Nadim, who was brought to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Kfar Rama. He left behind his parents, four brothers and five sisters. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, “Nadim was a soldier liked by all soldiers in the unit, a good friend and faithful.”

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