Imberan, Aryeh (“Leon”) (“Relo”)

Imberan, Aryeh (“Leon”) (“Relo”)

Aryeh, the youngest son of Yaakov and Fruma Imberan, was born in the city of Wesloi, Romania, on November 18, 1944. The family immigrated to Israel in 1951 and settled in Givat Yokneam. In November 1962, he was drafted into the IDF and a new chapter was opened in his life. In the days of alert for the Six-Day War, Aryeh received an important mission and brought his company to the level of maximum readiness for war. Aryeh fell at the Nabi Yosha junction on the first day of the fighting, on the 26th of Iyar 5727 (5.6.1967). He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya.

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