Iluz, Joseph

Iluz, Joseph

Son of Avraham and Ruhama. He was born in the city of Rawamma, Morocco, on September 10, 1937. In 1952 he immigrated to Israel in the framework of the Youth Aliyah, where he was only fifteen years old. But because of his youth he was not accepted. He stayed at work and served in Kibbutz Nir Am, where he was educated. His profession was the profession of construction and leisure, after his work, devoted himself to his home, because at the age of seventeen and a half married a wife. He was drafted into the IDF in October 1956 and served as a machine gunner in the Sinai Campaign, and then took a paramedic course in the Six Day War, 9.6.1967), is the fifth day of the battles, fought bravely and fell. He left a wife and four children. Was buried in the military cemetery in Afula and was later transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. His memory was raised in “Foundations” in the journal of the Workers’ Union. The booklet “Nachshoni HaGolan” issued by his battalion raised his memory.

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