Idelman, Raphael Yosef

Idelman, Raphael Yosef

Son of Mordechai and Sarah. He was born on the 7th of Adar, February 27, 1947 in Rechovot. After graduating from the “Hagefen” elementary school, he went to the agricultural school “Hakfar Hayarok”. He enlisted in the IDF in November, 1964. He was a brave fighter, as his unit commander pointed out. He proved this quality in the Six-Day War. When he finished his own mission, he volunteered to join the force that was to capture Ras Sudar in Sinai. On that day, the fifth day of the battles, he fell during the line of duty. It was the 1st of Sivan, June 9, 1967. He was buried in the military cemetery of Kiryat Shaul. His brother and his unit commander said that he could have remained in Moshav Kidron until the end of the war, but he refused, saying that it was not appropriate that people older than him, fathers with children, fight while he stayed in the Moshav.

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