Hubuva, Zion

Hubuva, Zion

Son of Ahuva and Rafael, was born on 15.4.1930 in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, and from 1932 on he was a resident of Haifa. He attended elementary school and then went to work. He was a first class welder and helped with his salary to support his large family (7 boys and girls). As a member of “HaNoar HaOved” and the Palmach, he took part in a trip to Tel Hai on the 11th of Adar 5706, which ended with the capture of Birya from the British. The army received the rank of corporal and served as a coach in the Gadna in various sports sectors and in general training. At his request he was released from training and sent to combat duty. Tzion took part in activities in the vicinity of Jaffa and Tel Aviv, and later fought in the ranks of the Negev Brigade. After his successful participation in the occupation of the Asulog police, he was injured during the purification of the village and fell on the 4th of Sivan 5708 (June 11, 1948) and was laid to rest in the Revivim military cemetery.

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