Huberman, Yinon Avraham

Huberman, Yinon Avraham

Son of Bruria and David. Yinon Avraham was born on March 25, 1980, in Ramat Yishai in the Jezreel Valley, and on July 8, 1998 Yinon was drafted into the IDF. He served in the Ordnance Corps, completed an officer’s course, and continued to serve in the army. Deputy Yinon fell during the performance of his duties on 29 Tishrei, October 25, 2003. He was twenty-three when he fell. He was laid to rest at the Mas’as cemetery in the Lower Galilee, where the family lived. Survived by parents and brothers. On Yinon’s gravestone, his loved ones wrote: “… my beloved, beautiful, laughing, bright, loving … son, brother, friend, devoted commander … always remember!”

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