Hovishrik, Dov

Hovishrik, Dov

Son of Avraham Eliezer. Born in 1913 in Poland, he immigrated to Germany in 1933 and immigrated to Palestine in 1933. In Israel, he enlisted in the police and served in Mount Carmel, where absorption in Israel was not easy, mainly because of his detachment from German culture , But over time he became well absorbed in the new life and as he told a friend, “Here on Mount Carmel I feel again an invisible force growing in me, storing my body and healing the wounds of my soul … Every rock, every rock, has become dear and dear to me I have the feeling that at last there is a bond between me and these, the bare stones of the Carmel, an inextricable bond. In his will, he asked the national institutions to ensure that his parents would immigrate to Eretz Israel if he fell for the homeland, and joined the Haganah, and among his other duties was guarding the workers who broke through and paved the way for the homeland. In the end of March 1938, a large Arab gang attacked the road workers, took a stand and entered the battle with the attackers and Haifa on the retreating workers, and his friend was killed and he continued to shoot the Arabs, hitting some of them and driving them away. Excellence from the Inspector General of the Police, August 15, 1938 Haifa was attacked by a car ambushed by Arabs on the way, and the guards who were in the car began to shoot in all directions, but the numerical superiority of the gangs took the beating and the guards were hit one by one, and Dov was brought to rest at the foot of Mount Carmel. “His name was immortalized in the book Laish VeLeMagen.

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