Horowitz, Yaakov-Shlomo

Horowitz, Yaakov-Shlomo

Son of Avraham and Ruhama. Born on August 13, 1949 in Petah Tikva. He studied at the Netzach-Israel elementary school and continued his high school studies at the “Kfar HaRoeh” Yeshiva, in a humanitarian track, and until his high school, Yaakov was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement. Yaakov was drafted into the IDF in November 1967. He completed his army service in a parachutist unit, where he completed basic training and a squadron, and during his army service he completed various courses and climbed the ranks, And was assigned to the Golani Brigade, where he served as a platoon commander and sabotage officer, and after completing compulsory service, he enlisted in a career army and was assigned to a transport unit. Served as a career soldier in the regular army. He served in various positions – a management officer in the IDF, a supervision officer, a transport officer, a commander of a tank transport unit, a commander of a driving course and a deputy commander of a transport unit in Rephidim. In 1976, he was sent to Bar-Ilan University and received an academic degree in business administration. After completing his studies, he was assigned as an supply officer in an armored division. Jacob was a man of principles and had always deviated from his conscience. Observant, clean-minded, hating and loved by all his friends and acquaintances. On the 29th of Sivan 5708 (4.7.1978), in a recruitment exercise in which he served as a control officer, he fell while carrying out his duties. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Petah Tikva. He left behind a wife, two sons, a daughter, parents and brother. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote of his positive impression of his qualities, “the most important of which was the person in him … I can not express the magnitude of the blow and the weight of the disaster that descended upon us all as thunder,

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