Horowitz, Shiri

Horowitz, Shiri

Daughter of Jacob and Bruria. Born on June 30, 1952 in Tel Aviv, she studied at the Yahelam Elementary School in Ramat Gan and at the Municipal High School (the professional “YIZO” in Tel Aviv) Textiles and art, thanks to its tendency to draw, draw and create batik. Her partner for joy and sadness during the day (and sometimes at night) was the painter and drawing pad. Her talent in the field of painting was also expressed in the IDF: she would paint things on the ground and with her sharpness and quickness the drawing was ready for all its details in a few minutes, while her friends stood by and marveled at the speed and completeness of the painting. She was a Simcha and always smiling girl, and her bright smile warmed many hearts: She remembered the years of her studies at the municipal vocational high school, where she found understanding between the teachers and her, and produced many psychologically and in the possibility of developing her talents in drawing and drawing. At the end of November 1970, and served with devotion and loyalty. As a reward for her outstanding service, she was authorized to participate in a jump course. In order to finish the course and win the parachute wings, she had to drop three daily falls and one night’s fall. After she had filled the day’s drop and waited for the night to fall, a group of young men arrived, a little excited. To strengthen their confidence Shiri volunteered to land with them another drop. She said that when they boarded the plane she began singing – and they joined her singing; The tension had died away, and the parachute passed in good spirits. On December 12, 1971, Sergeant Shiri found her death, along with her friend Frida Naftali, in her capacity as the sole representative of her unit in the El Arish area, and she was only nineteen at the time. She was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. In a letter to the family, the principal of the high school (who was a 12th grader and her history teacher) after her fall, noted her optimistic personality and diligence, he said that she had come to consult her friend about her plans for the future and they were Simcha to help her with advice, And despite the fact that it is hard to comfort bereaved parents, it is difficult to comfort them in this special case, “but nevertheless I allow myself to write , That you are allowed to be proud of your daughter’s actions until the day of her death. “The parents received a letter of condolence from the staff “My song was pleasant, disciplined and quiet, and she always performed her role with devotion and perseverance, in the best possible way.” – We will always remember her uprightness and the light and joy that brought us into our work, which was sometimes so gray The songs and the farewell, which worked as a team, marched side by side throughout the military track and did not part in the last diary, and now they are lying side by side in eternal peace “

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