Horowitz, Gabi

Horowitz, Gabi

Son of Berta and Eliezer, was born on the 17th of Adar (16.3.1960) in Argentina. When Gabi was 4 years old, he immigrated with his parents to Israel. The family settled in Bat Yam, where Gabi began his studies at the Gordon Elementary School.In July of 1978, Gaby was promoted to the rank of sergeant and was sent to the Tank Commanders Course and graduated as an outstanding apprentice.In December 1979, Gabi completed a course for Armored Corps officers and was promoted to the rank of Tank Commander. A year later, he was promoted to lieutenant. In July 1981, Gabi completed compulsory service and undertook to serve for another year in the career army. Gabi was very attached to his family. He hoped that after his release from the IDF, he would continue to study mechanical engineering and aspired to settle in the Golan Heights. He joined the fight in the Peace for Galilee War. On 3 Tamuz, 24 June 1982, his company encountered an ambush by a Syrian commando. The enemy hit his tank turret, and Gabi was killed. He was 22 years old when he died. Gabi was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv. He left behind his parents, brother and sister. After he fell, he was promoted to captain. Defense Minister Ariel Sharon wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Captain Gabriel gave his life to his homeland, he served in the Armored Corps, gave an example to his subordinates, showed high professional knowledge, volunteered to carry out missions, adapted himself to changes and was not attached to standard solutions. He was a quiet, humble man, his heart was good and the tranquility he sang everywhere was extraordinary. ”

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