Hodada, Eran

Hodada, Eran

Ben Shoshana and Mordechai. He was born on the 28th of Elul 5734 (15.9.1974) in Holon, the eldest brother of Shiri. Eran studied in Holon, at the “Dinur” elementary school and at the “Namir” vocational high school, in the automotive mechanics course. For two more years Eran studied automotive mechanics as part of the “Mishlav” in Tel Aviv. At the beginning of December 1992, Eran enlisted in the IDF and was assigned to serve in the Golani Brigade, where he was a disciplined soldier with a personal charm, and was a joyous life, which served as an inexhaustible source of strength for everyone around him. On the same day, after a routine patrol in the area, Eran returned to his base in the armored vehicle he commanded. He led the armored personnel carrier to the refueling station, got out of it to direct the driver, and did not notice the high voltage line that was above it, and the electric line hit Eran’s head and he was electrocuted and killed instantly. He was electrocuted and killed. Four other soldiers were injured when they tried to help their friends. Eran fell before he was twenty years old. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon. Survived by his parents and sister. After his death he was promoted to sergeant. Eran’s parents purchased in his memory books of Psalms decorated with pomegranates, which were delivered to the “Cyrus” synagogue in Kiryat Malachi.

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