Hochberg, Dan

Hochberg, Dan

Was born on May 25, 1931 in Mikvah Israel, and his father was born in Israel and was educated in a Mikvah Israel and returned to the school as a teacher and agronomist specializing in viticulture. Dan studied at the school for the children of workers in Holon, and after completing his studies he moved to the Herzliya Gymnasium in Tel Aviv, where one of his teachers testified that he was charming in his simplicity and in his Lev, A bit of them, wanting to know, did not shut himself up in the world of halakha, liked the sport and was on the handball team of his class. Pre-military training). Dan excelled in natural studies, and at the same time had a literary talent. He aspired to a pioneering realization, hated war and believed in a better world in the future, a socialist world. When he was 12 years old, he joined the Gadna and was later transferred to the army. In the winter of 1948, when he was a student in the last class of the Gymnasium, he worked at night in the Haganah’s liaison service, and before the Passover holiday in 1948 he completed his studies with honors and went with a group of young people from Kwai to train in the Geva group in the Jezreel Valley. In May, the entire group went to training in the Western Galilee and was joined by a Palmach regiment, where Dan participated in the battle of Malkia and the “Danny” operation to conquer Ramle and Lod, and the brigade took part in the fighting in the Latrun area. During the operation “Dani” and on the night of 17-18 July 1948, the “Haemek” battalion seized Shilat and an outpost in the eastern part of the Korikor ridge to threaten the wing of the legion in Latrun, The enemy attacked the force in the outpost from two directions with the aid of armored vehicles, and that was forced to retreat An open field in the crossfire, many of the fighters fell, and on this day Dan fell on the 18th of Tammuz 5708 (18.7.1948) and he was a 17 year old boy. On the 11th of Adar 5702 (28.2.1950) he was brought to eternal rest in Beit- The military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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