Hissawi, Ahmed

Hissawi, Ahmed

Son of Tufakha and Muhammad, the eldest brother of six brothers and two sisters. Born on July 25, 1977 in the village of Peki’in. He studied at the elementary school and high school in his village, where he graduated from the 12th grade and completed a full matriculation certificate, a handsome, green-eyed boy with a wide smile. , Caring and willingness to help anyone who wanted to do so Before joining the IDF he participated in a pre-military driving course and took a driving test in a truck. In July 1995 he enlisted in the IDF as a driver and served as a driver of a truck in the Northern Command of the Northern Command, which he did to the satisfaction of his commanders, who described him as a disciplined soldier Ahmed was killed while carrying out his duties on August 17, 1997 in the Shomera area, and was promoted to Corporal. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Peki’in cemetery. Ahmed was twenty years old when he fell. Survived by his parents and six brothers and sisters: Sa’id, Yazbak, Hala, Jawad, Rina and Iyad. In a condolence letter to his family, Chief of Staff Amnon Lipkin-Shahak wrote that Ahmed was “a serious, diligent and devoted soldier who volunteered first for every mission, forged a good relationship with all those around him and was admired and accepted by his commanders and friends alike.” , The division’s maintenance officer, defined it as a “protected flower,” adding that “every task with him was an experience because his smile would do well for everyone around him. A quiet man with a good heart and a good heart toward everyone. “One year after his fall, a song was written to him:” A year has passed and the pain has not gone away / I refuse to forget the memory as desperate / still refuse to digest the loss. And it seems that in the course of your daily life, your good, brown eyes look at us as if from a dream, as if from a smile, and to reassure you that everything is good there and you know. “In memory of Ahmed, a car club was established at the base where he served.

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