Hirsch, Shlomo (“Redhead”)

Hirsch, Shlomo (“Redhead”)

An only son of his parents Joseph and Greta. He was born on March 23, 1936 in Haifa. His father volunteered to serve in the British army from 1940 and in 1944 was injured during his service. The mother was forced to work for a living and with a heavy Lev sent Shlomo to an institution in Kibbutz Ginosar. He studied there until the establishment of the State of Israel. At the age of 12, he studied for a year at the Aleph School in Tiberias and completed his studies in Haifa. He also studied electrical engineering, mechanics and engraving. He was an outstanding athlete and took part in soccer games for Hapoel Haifa and also dealt with swimming. He won first place in a field run in November 1953. In a chess game, he won the first place and was crowned “chess champion.” He was a good son and devoted to his parents and a loyal friend of all his friends. March 1954 and served in the navy. After his discharge from the regular service, he studied apprenticeship as a trainee at the Ford Garage. He then worked for about five years on merchant ships, as a mechanic and as a mechanic. In 1965 he left the sea. A year later he married an IDF widow, the mother of an 8-year-old boy, and two years later they were born in Daughter of-Ronit, and at the end of March he was called up for active reserve duty and on April 19, 1970, Who had been in the army for a number of years. Shlomo fulfilled the duties entrusted to him willingly, with devotion and good spirit – – his memorial holding the steering wheel of various vehicles. Standing in front of my eyes, driving the water tanker along dusty border, supplying water to the outposts; He remembered him as the driver of the various half-tracks, when he bothered to draw a camouflage net on the half-tracks; His memorial service, which I see in front of my eyes, bothers with preparing meals in the field, lighting a bonfire to warm up battle rations; His memorial service was on a night shift and around it was a thick darkness and a hostile border – – according to my impression, he was not among the army lovers, but he was careful to fulfill his duty. In his last mission, Shlomo served as an armored vehicle driver who set out to ambush terrorists on the northern border. In the late hours of the night a terrorist squad appeared, whose objective was to attack the village of Yuval, with the intention of blowing up houses on their inhabitants and sowing killing and destruction. The ambush, which included one of his men, opened fire on the terrorists, harmed them, and thus prevented them from carrying out their mission and safeguarded the lives of the residents of Kfar Yuval. Unfortunately, the redhead, as he was called in the unit, was wounded by the fire of the enemy, a blow from which he did not rise. Del is a human pen of condolence and I can not comfort you. But somewhere, you and your child will surely be glowing with pride at the death of Shlomo and with his death saved the lives of the inhabitants of a book who risk day and night. “

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