Hirsch, Orit

Hirsch, Orit

Daughter of Bruria and Benny. Born on 27.6.1974, in Kibbutz Ma’agan Michael, the eldest daughter of a family of three children, her first granddaughter and the first niece of each side of the family, a beautiful and intelligent girl, always interested, inquisitive and inquisitive, full of vitality, cleverness, A sense of humor From the time of her childhood, she had many qualities that grew more powerful over the years, and characterized her all along, but most of all, Orit had a rare ability to look in. She saw into the world. Her surroundings: the sights and sounds, the sounds and the lights, the smells and tastes, all her life she spent in Maagan Michael, Orit attended elementary school and When she was twelve years old, the family moved to England for two years with mixed feelings, but she was restrained, happy but fearful.In England, she was absorbed in the new society with relative ease, and Orit immediately absorbed the language and created social connections But during the bar mitzvah, Orit did the work of the class and came to Israel to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah party together with them. When the family returned to Israel, Orit was quickly and easily absorbed into the world of teenagers in the kibbutz: studies, friendships, trips and entertainment. Everything is stormy and full of youthful joy. Orit’s artist soul did not stop creating – on the walls in her room, in her parents’ home, in every place and in her free time and in school hours – always original and surprising in her own way. Orit knew how to get out of frames and walk on the thin line between permitted and forbidden and displayed originality and creativity in all its tracks. At a very young age, Orit began to paint. It was like a great surge of work. Once she had mastered her movements, she drew. Celebrated with every lump of material and color her hands held. An ocean of works flowed from her fingertips, from her collection of jewelry to sculptures, drawings, and paintings. The joy of creation dominated her and her actions. Orit grew up in a family surrounded by love and love. She was a housewife, a little girl. Always prominent in her presence. Sometimes laughing and sometimes crying, with bursts of laughter rolling, or uncontrollable anger. The family built harmony and understanding, which increased over the years. Orit sank unceasingly and enthusiastically from the turbulent life around her. Always surrounded by friends, always cheerful and happy, always sentimental, smiling, and always, always in business. She was involved in everything around her, sharing all her sadness with sadness, with joy, with grief and wit, Orit was always when she needed to. After completing her studies, she sailed with her classmates to Greece, where she worked in the Plesson factory in the production hall. At the beginning of January 1993, Orit enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces, where she served in the military police, and she was sent to the army with a great deal of apprehension and sadness, but soon found a way to combine the best of both worlds. It was not obvious, and the deliberations were many and difficult, but finally she decided to go on to the officer’s course, followed by a soldierly consolation.Orit was happy and complete in her choice, On February 4, 1995, Orit fell in her car when she was on her way to the ceremony She was supposed to be a lieutenant; A rank she did not wear. Orit was laid to rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz Ma’agan Michael, where she was born, grew up and matured. She was twenty years old. Survived by her parents,Sister – Einat and brother – Sefi. In a letter of consolation to the family, the unit commander wrote: “Orit, as usual, quickly integrated, learned new roles, performed them enthusiastically, demonstrated leadership, control and command, while combining kindness, joy of life and relentless striving for excellence. The short time, to represent the unit and to train in a policing and transportation course at the military police school, and Orit took this position with enthusiasm and performed it, as usual, with great success, and her success was so great that there were also reflections on her leaving the training profession. ” Members of her family and the kibbutz took out a memorial booklet in her memory.

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