Hirsch, Arieh (Eddie)

Hirsch, Arieh (Eddie)

Born in 1922 in the city of Frankfurt am Main in Germany to a religiously observant family, he attended a public elementary school and a high school and was interested in music, literature and art. David and Ma’aleh Hachamisha, where he worked mainly in eradication and with extraordinary dedication to work, tried to achieve great productivity despite his weakness. Most of the factory group: manufacturing beds and mattresses He worked in the carpentry workshop, worked in the carpentry shop, spent a lot of time listening to good music and reading good books, but he was also a cheerful and witty friend. , Devotion and talent to every role he played in the life of his group: the early clarification of questions before the discussion of the assembly, the housing committee, and the cultural committee, and was deeply involved in social life. As a lover of animals and a lover of life in general he hated the war. When the Arab attacks increased in the winter of 1948, he reduced his pacifist feelings and participated in training, guarding, and fighting like any other good boy in Israel, and the forces of the Legion in the area saw it as a threat and sought to conquer it in the coming truce. 1948) Towards noon, the enemy force, consisting of a Legion Company, organized irregular forces and armored vehicles and attacked the kibbutz. Heavy enemy fire destroyed the defensive positions and paralyzed any possibility of organized resistance. The enemy succeeded in breaking into the agriculture and conquering it, and on that day, on the 3rd of Sivan 5708 (June 10, 1948), Arieh was brought to rest in the cemetery in Gezer.

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