Hezroni (Dvorecki), Yitzhak (Aizik)

Hezroni (Dvorecki), Yitzhak (Aizik)

Son of Esther-Riva and Pesach. He was born on September 1, 1899 in Lida, Russia. His family was religious and Zionist and Isaac studied in a “cheder” and in his youth was active in the socialist Zionist movement in his city. In 1919 he was chosen with six other pioneers by the Zionist branch in Lida to be the first immigrants. In Israel he joined the Trumpeldor Labor Battalion and worked on the Tiberias-Migdal highway and was one of the first to set up Kibbutz Ein Harod. He also worked for a while in building army camps and paving roads within the framework of the Egyptian battalion that was stationed near Lod, and joined the ranks of the Haganah. Years later he moved to Haifa and set up a carpentry shop in the Zebulun Valley. In the midst of the riots of 1936-1939, on 7 Tamuz, 6.7.1938, a bomb was thrown in the market in Haifa and shots were fired at passersby, and during the riots Isaac was killed and he was laid to rest in the Haganah section of the Haifa cemetery. He left a woman and two sons and was mentioned in a memorial in the “Davar” newspaper.

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