Hess, Yehuda Ze’ev (Hoss Wolf)

Hess, Yehuda Ze’ev (Hoss Wolf)

Son of Zissel and Berl, was born on March 25, 1927 in the city of Polania, Romania. He graduated from the elementary school and in 1944 was taken with his father by the Nazis to concentration camps in Germany. After his discharge, he trained in dental technology and underwent training in the Haganah in Germany. Immediately after the outbreak of the War of Independence, he prepared to leave, leaving his father abroad and immigrating to Israel on the Pan York in August 1948 as a member of the Gahal and joining the Palmach unit. Yehuda Ze’ev participated in the battles in the Negev, the conquest of Beersheba, Auja el-Hafir, El-Arish, and fell on the 4th of Tevet 5709 (4.1.1949) in Operation Horev near Beersheba in the bombing of Egyptian planes. 1949 (August 31 1949) was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa.

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