Hess, Mordechai

Hess, Mordechai

Son of -Leah and Yisrael-Avraham was born on August 7, 1927, in the town of Farshati, Bukovina, Romania, where he studied at the “Chederim” and the elementary school, and later began to study carpentry and during World War II he was deported with his family to Transnistria He joined the “Poalei Agudat Israel” training program, and in 1946 he immigrated to Israel on a Haganah ship, and spent several months in a kibbutz of his movement in Nahalat Yehuda, moved to Tel Aviv and worked After a while in the building and afterward worked with his uncle in carpentry. He was tolerant of the non-religious. His life was full of sanctity and joy , due to his good temper. In the summer of 1947 he joined the religious company of the Haganah and faithfully fulfilled his obligation to training and to serve as a loyal and organized member of his movement. At the beginning of the War of Independence, when his uncle asked to be released from the service for financial reasons, he rejected his offer, saying that he would never agree to evade his duty. After his training, he maintained his besieged son of Shemen with his unit throughout the winter of 1948. He encouraged his friends with his devotion, joy, and confidence in the Lord’s deliverance, and often took upon himself the tasks and tasks of others. The battle of Salameh and its environs was disrupted and ambushed and the Arab Legion waged an attack on Jimzo, near son of Shemen, which served as a barrier to the enemy and helped to conquer Lod and Ramle. Armed with rifles only against the onslaught of armored forces of the Arab Legion, Mordechai was seriously injured in the head on July 11, 1948. He underwent several operations at Beilinson Hospital and before his death, said that he would return to the front immediately after his recovery. He died on August 28, 1948. He was laid to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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