Hershkowitz, Yaniv

Hershkowitz, Yaniv

Ben Corina and Isaiah. Born on 28.5.1985 in Haifa, a brother of two, he grew up and was educated in Haifa, Yaniv enlisted in the Intelligence Corps in mid-April 2004. He took a number of courses and training and served as an electronic intelligence officer in Unit 8200. While in an electronic intelligence course he was known for his volunteerism and initiative, “I feel that you are doing what I missed and that is to bring the diagnosis to new places,” says Tamara, his friend at the service. Your understanding and your ability to convey what you know are amazing to me. “Noam H.:” You have a lot of the character of ‘the boys of old’, those who did not receive things quietly, who would fight for the things they wanted … a little less comfortable But you have to remember that they were the same people who managed to achieve their goals. “Noam S.:” Yaniv, you are more connected to the technical and practical aspects, and there are not many people like you … So supply and demand, you want to move forward – they We want you to move forward, so what’s the problem? The more you prove yourself, the more opportunities you will have for promotion, a simple, clear formula that (almost) always works, right? … I suppose you first look at, observe, and only then decide whether to change and if to disqualify. Drive like that and you’ll go far. It’s just a matter of time and time, my friend, you have a lot. Thank you for the drowsiness, on Route 55, for the interaction you create with the quietest people in the cell and about your patience (which will soon be over !!!). “Orly:” Since you arrived in the cell it was clear that you would be a diagnostician. You have a really good perception of things (not just an elintite) and it seems that you like to explain. We did not do many shifts together, but I remember quite a few conversations about your trips on the bicycle (and the falls), a former friend and a milkman … “In the early days of the Second Lebanon War, Yaniv was in his capacity as an intelligence officer on the” “Which dealt with naval combat activity off the coast of Beirut. On July 14, 2006, Hizbullah attacked the ship with a missile that hit it directly. The main damage was caused to the back of the ship, and as a result of the attack fire broke out on the deck. Yaniv and three of his friends – advanced sergeant Dov Sternschuss, First Sergeant Tal Amgar and Sergeant Shai Atias – were killed and initially were considered missing. When his body was found and identifiedYaniv came to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. He was twenty-one years old when he fell. Survived by his parents and sister. After his fall Yaniv was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant. On his grave, the words were engraved: “In the beautiful and sad landscape in the whole world, the little prince appeared and from here disappeared.” “Every thing is reminiscent of every word, every word, every song, every one that goes through the street, everything that makes me think, there is no right and no wrong, no more feelings, everything is rejected, You will always be in the hearts of all of us, always strong, smiling and wise, always in shape, spontaneous and always stable, we will always love you Yaniv. ” My father, Yaniv’s brother-in-law, said: “Yaniv was characterized by real modesty, which was accompanied by a shy smile, and his kindness, seriousness and perseverance were characteristic of his path.” On June 9, 2007, the Israel Country Championship was held in a mountain bike marathon dedicated to the memory of Yaniv.

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